Weapons & armor


Weapons use some basic values to be divided into different categories. You cannot create your own weapons with the enchants below. But you can upgrade current weapons with, for example, Runes or use other accessories such as Shields to give better stats. The main types are as following:

  • Attack damage - This enchant determines how much you damage the enemy in hearts

  • Attack speed - This is how long between each hit you deal full damage

  • Critical strike power - A value above 100%. 125% gives you 25% extra damage to the enemy.

  • Critical strike chance - The chance of getting a combo attack

  • Hearts - Gives you additional hearts while holding the weapon

  • Movement speed - A negative value gives you slowness, while a positive value gives you speed.

Weapons can be obtained by trading with merchants, killing monsters, loot chests or as rewards for completing challenges such as Quests and Dungeons.


To keep things simple, armor only uses a few values. The first one and most important is "defense" which gives you protection against incoming damage. Higher value gives more protection. As you level up, it is important that you keep your armor up to date. Try to always achieve the highest possible defense. It will give you an advantage when facing strong enemies.

Armor can be obtained by trading with merchants, killing monsters, loot chests or as rewards for completing challenges such as Quests and Dungeons.


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Requires Level 30

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In addition to getting increased defense from armor, you can also hold a shield in your left hand. Each shield has its own value and bases on which level you are in and how rare the shield is to obtain; it determines how much extra defense you can achieve.

Shields can be obtained by trading with merchants, killing monsters, loot chests or as rewards for completing challenges such as Quests and Dungeons.

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